Pre-hire preparation is an important and cost-effective early step of the hiring process, with the goal to put the recruitment train in the correct track.
It encompasses the 360° necessary processes to be dealt with before pursuing the recruitment, making sure that you are armed with the most relevant information that will seamlessly integrate your new employee into your business.
- Job Analysis: An accurate and updated job analysis is essential in order to understand the role and write meaningful and accurate job descriptions which will lead to successful recruitment. A job analysis of daily tasks and tools can be undertaken by the supervisor, former employees and with both internal and external customers of the position being analysed.
- Job Description and Selection Criteria: A job description is a written statement that describes the duties, responsibilities, required qualifications and reporting relationship of each position within the organisation. Determining valid selection criteria is a fundamental prerequisite for having a fair, efficient and effective staff recruitment process. Every step in the recruitment and selection process must revolve around the selection criteria and each selection criteria must relate to the skills, qualifications, knowledge, experience and abilities required for the position. The criteria must come from the job description and may be divided into essential and desirable criteria.
- HR Handbook with policies and procedures: Recruitment process can’t be initiated without clear policies and procedures. Compensation, benefits and working hours policies, for instance, are key factors to attract good talents. As an employer, you have also a legal and moral obligation to ensure that you have the best interests of your business at the forefront of your considerations.
- Check your business is ready to employ staff according to laws and regulations: It is important to run some exercises before starting the recruitment process to make sure you can take on staff legally. This includes: national minimum wage, national insurance contribution, employee's pension, maternity and paternity leave policies, discrimination avoidance policies, health and safety, employers' liability insurance, registration with relevant authorities.
Employment Contract: It is always recommended to have the employment contract ready from the day one to avoid any surprising circumstances. Employment contracts varies considerably by different types of jobs. Employers should ensure they have adequate legal protection in their employment contracts before hands.
Attracting qualified candidates is harder than ever, especially for certain positions and in certain geographic areas. We all know that the best candidates rarely come knocking on the front door. Recruiters, even at the largest companies, have to become adept at sourcing if they want to find and hire the very best.
Sourcing is also time-consuming because it comprises different methods: database searching, targeted email campaigns, LinkedIn approaches, and social media exposure. Putting together an effective job campaign, using advanced SEO techniques and evolving advertising format based on jobseeker search trends, will transform your job description into a web-optimised advert to target the candidates you need and communicate your company’s culture and values.
Reviewing every applicant to ensure that the clients only see the most suitable candidates is not an easy task. This includes: CV screening, filtering and shortlisting.
Interviews are still the best way of finding out whether or not a candidate will be the right fit for your organisation – as long as you ask the right questions and analyse the answers and feedbacks.
Our services include:
1. Screening and detailed interview (whether online or on-site Interviews)
2. Place an experienced HR professional alongside your recruitment manager to ensure that you hire the best candidates.
3. We can also provide a set of competency based interview questions aligned to your company goals in one document. The document will include up to ten behavioural and competency questions, together with follow-up probing questions.
Unlike aspects such as education, experience and appearance, the behavioural traits, personality and numerical skills of a candidate can be much more difficult to assess during an interview.
Assessment and psychometric testing help give a more objective overview of a candidate’s character, strengths, weaknesses and working style and then give a better overall evaluation of a candidate and secure the best fit for the role.
Psychometric testing also help to gauge the future performance of a candidate and improve employee retention by making successful hiring decisions.
Psychometric testing can measure a number of attributes including:
Aptitude tests: Assess cognitive aptitude, which measures problem solving ability, critical thinking, attention to detail, intelligence, critical reasoning, motivation, and learning ability.
Personality tests: assess behavioural patterns, traits that affect an individual's workplace performance, values, priorities and opinions with regard to different tasks and situations, working style favoured by a candidate and how they interact with both their environment and fellow workers in different situations. Personality tests are commonly used in critical roles such as engineering, sales and customer service.
Skills tests: measure basic competencies that are associated with essential work activities, such as typing speed, ability to process both verbal and numerical information, MS Excel, reading graphs, computer literacy, perform operations such as percentages and rates.
Assessment and Psychometric testing can be done before (a way of screening), during or after a face to face interview using our online platform.
Conducting pre-employment checks on applicants is an integral part of the recruitment process, and it’s a legal responsibility in some sectors. The purpose is to establish eligibility, including in relation to eligibility to work in the UK, security-related background checks and criminal records (e.g. working with children or vulnerable adults), health check (e.g. having an eye test for a job as a driver), credit history check (e.g. financial service roles), proof of qualifications, and reference from previous employers.
39% professionals say they’ve rejected an offer because another opportunity emerged during the delay, Peoplique can easily resolve this gap by better coordination and smarter communication with the prospective candidate. Peoplique can make offers to successful candidates (and negotiate on your behalf if required), and inform unsuccessful candidates if they are not right for the role.
We’ll ensure that all your applications are processed and responded to in a prompt and professional manner.