HR Support

Many businesses consider the challenge of managing people is time-consuming and distracting from moving the business forward; but we find it interesting and exciting. Our HR Support services are designed to help our clients deal with their people problems with confidence and as little stress as possible.

We implement ‘progressive steps’ approach to support our clients solve their problems;

Step one: we talk through the situation with you and understand the problem that you are trying to address.
Step two: we look to see whether there are specific employment laws you need to be considering as well as looking at any internal policies that may put some constraints around what you are and are not able to do.
Step three: we help you to come up with a plan to move you forward.
Step four: we can be there every step of the way and help you to prepare for difficult actions or even have them for you if you would prefer.
Step five: we then look at your entire employee handbook/manual to make sure you have the documentation in place that you need to avoid similar problems in the future.

Fixing the issues

Did an incident take place and you need to undertake investigation and take formal actions? Do you have an employee who has been off sick for a number of months now and you are wondering how to handle the process? Do you have an employee who has raised a grievance and you need support in managing the formal process? Whatever your HR issue, we can help you deal with it promptly and effectively.

Managing Redundancy

Whether your business has hit financial difficulties and needs to take action to reduce costs, or your business is changing direction and different skills are needed as you move forward. In either situation, the outcome is the same – you need to let some of your existing staff go. The aim of the service is to ensure that your redundancies are conducted in a legally compliant way.

Key Features

Support from an HR professional who has managed redundancies before.

Confidence you are following sound legal process, removing the emotion and focusing on the facts.

A practical approach that gets you the outcome you are looking for with minimum risk.

Provision of the documentation that you need

Support in dealing with the aftermath of a redundancy process.

We can either guide you through the redundancy process or you can hand the entire redundancy process over to us and we will manage it on your behalf.

Terminating Employment

Businesses can be faced with a need to terminate employment due to anything from consistent poor performance to a serious breach of the business’ rules and policies. Terminating employment may be required during the probationary period or after many years of service. We understand that terminating employment can be both emotive and daunting for employers. There is the fear of meeting legal obligations and avoiding the risk of litigation but there is also the worry of actually having the difficult conversation in the first place. We have experience in managing termination in a broad range of termination scenarios. We believe in investing time in defining consistent and fair practices for the benefit of both employee and employer. Our aim is to deliver a process that is as smooth and amicable as possible. Please remember that there is never a guarantee that an employee will not bring a tribunal claim (unless the termination is managed by a Settlement Agreement). We can support you to ensure that you meet your responsibility as an employer to ensure you follow a sound process and reach a fair decision. We can make sure you have done all the right things with your process and minimise your risk.

Key Features

Support from an HR professional who has lots of experience in terminating employment and can help you work out the best way to move forward.

Confidence you are following sound legal process.

A practical approach that gets you the outcome you're looking for with minimum risk.

The work can be performed either onsite, offsite (by phone and email) or a bit of both.

Employee Disciplinary Issues

If you work with people long enough you will find yourself in a situation where you are having to address issues with either your employee’s performance, conduct or attendance. Dealing with employee disciplinary issues is not easy for many business owners. Poor attendance and poor performance tend to be the issues that our clients face most frequently. Often by the time they call us they have tried an informal approach on a number of occasions and the situation isn’t getting any better. When dealing with difficult employee situations process is everything. The steps in themselves aren’t complicated but human emotion has a tendency of complicating these situations. We can help remove that emotion and help you focus just on the facts and the desired outcome.

Key Features

Support from an HR professional who has dealt with all types of disciplinary issues before.

Confidence you are following sound legal process, removing the emotion and focusing on the facts.

A practical approach that gets you the outcome you are looking for with minimum risk.

• The work can be performed either onsite, offsite (by phone and email) or a bit of both.

Employee Grievance

You can be the best employer in the world but you will never please all of the people all of the time. There are simply going to be times when you have to make unpopular decisions or something happens in the workplace that is beyond your control and the result is a disgruntled employee who raises a grievance. Dealing with an employee grievance can be very challenging for a small business. Finding someone to hear the grievance who is not involved in the situation can be difficult and knowing what solutions you can suggest can be problematic. Emotions can be running high and it is important to find a way forward to ensure that the grievance does not start to have a widespread negative impact on your business. Dealing with employee grievances is very process driven. There are key steps that you need to go through and you need to decide whether the grievance is justified or not. If you find it is not justified then you need to think about how you deal with the employee and get them to move on from the issue. If you find it is justified then you need to think about what you need to do to remedy the situation. This is where our grievance management service can help.

Key Features

Support from an HR professional who's dealt with all types of employee grievances before.

Confidence you are following sound legal process, removing the emotion and focusing on the facts.

A practical approach that gets you the outcome you're looking for with minimum risk.

The work can be performed either onsite, offsite (by phone and email) or a bit of both.