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Recruitment Solution

Recruitment Model

Optimal Recruitment Matrix (ORM)

The Optimal Recruitment Matrix (ORM) is a comprehensive, multi-step recruitment service designed to hire the best and most qualified candidates for your job openings efficiently and cost-effectively. ORM ensures a seamless integration of new employees into your business by systematically addressing every phase of the recruitment process, from pre-hire preparation to offer management.

Phases of ORM


Phase 1

Pre-Hire Preparation


Phase 4

Competency Assessment and Psychometric Testing


Phase 2

Sourcing and Shortlisting


Phase 5

Reference Checking and Working Eligibility


Phase 3



Phase 6

Offer Management

Phase 1

Pre-Hire Preparation

Pre-hire preparation sets the recruitment process on the right track by ensuring you have all relevant information to seamlessly integrate your new employee.

  • Job Analysis: Conduct a detailed job analysis to understand the role and develop meaningful job descriptions.
  • Job Description and Selection Criteria: Create comprehensive job descriptions outlining duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and selection criteria divided into essential and desirable.
  • HR Handbook with Policies and Procedures: Ensure clear policies on compensation, benefits, working hours, and compliance with labor laws to attract top talent.
  • Legal Readiness Check: Verify that your business complies with employment laws and regulations, including wage standards, insurance, and health and safety policies.
  • Employment Contract Preparation: Prepare employment contracts tailored to different job types, ensuring legal protection and clarity from day one.

Phase 2

Sourcing and Shortlisting

Effective candidate sourcing and shortlisting are crucial for attracting and identifying the best talent.

  • Candidate Sourcing:
    • Utilize database searches, targeted email campaigns, LinkedIn, and social media to attract qualified candidates.
    • Implement advanced SEO techniques to transform job descriptions into optimized adverts reflecting company culture and values.
  • Shortlisting: Conduct thorough CV screening and filtering to present only the most suitable candidates to clients.

Phase 3


Conducting effective interviews is key to finding the right fit for your organization.

  • Screening and Detailed Interviews: Conduct online or on-site interviews with experienced HR professionals alongside recruitment managers.
  • Competency-Based Interview Questions: Provide a set of behavioral and competency questions aligned with company goals.

Phase 4

Competency Assessment and Psychometric Testing

Objective assessments ensure a comprehensive evaluation of a candidate’s suitability.

  • Psychometric Testing: Conduct aptitude tests to assess cognitive abilities and personality tests to evaluate behavioral traits and work style.
  • Skills Testing: Measure basic competencies required for essential work activities.
  • Assessment Timing: Perform assessments before, during, or after interviews using an online platform.

Phase 5

Reference Checking and Working Eligibility

Pre-employment checks verify the eligibility and background of candidates.

  • Reference and Background Checks: Verify work eligibility, conduct security checks, health screenings, credit history checks, and confirm qualifications and references.

Phase 6

Offer Management

Efficient offer management minimizes the risk of losing candidates due to delays.

  • Offer Coordination: Manage offers and negotiations, ensuring prompt and professional communication with all candidates.
  • Candidate Communication: Inform unsuccessful candidates professionally and ensure a positive candidate experience.